April 4th, 2020
Thanks to everyone who came out to our first virtual event - Minecraft mini-games! We had over 30 people come play and 5 people finished with Amazon gift card prizes.
March 27th, 2020
After two busy elections, we finally have our 2020-2021 Computer Science Society board:
March 10th, 2020
The second round of nominations for the Computer Science Society 2020-2021 board is now open to all students. This round includes our regular (non-executive) positions.
March 5th, 2020
The results are in! We had our highest voter turnout yet with around 25% of all CS students voting.
Congratulations to our 2020-2021 CSS Council leaders!
President - Ferruccio Sisti Vice President - Jeremie Bornais Treasurer - Arshdeep Sidhu Head of Events - Andrea Bonato Head of Societal Development - Julia Garant Career Advisor - Harshdip D...
January 23rd, 2020
Mare Nostrum hosted our first event of the year - games night! Over 50 students came out and had a great time playing board games, Smash, enjoying the free food and drinks!