Congratulations to Patrick Carnevale, the winner of the Canada day Discord logo design contest!
You'll be receiving a copy of "Cracking the Coding Interview" as a prize, and your logo will be featured on our server for the month of July!
Also honorable men...
Congratulations to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners of yesterday's chess tournament winners!
Thank you for everyone who came out and participated in the tournament! We hope all of you had a lot fun!
Excited for the next CSS event? Check them out here!
![Chess Tourna...
May 1, 2021
Here's your 2021 Computer Science Society Board (with contacts):
President: Jeremie Bornais
Vice President: Wahid Bawa
Treasurer: Filip Knezevic
Head of Events: Julia Sabelli [
March 5th, 2020
The results are in!
Congratulations to our 2021-2022 CSS Council leaders!
President - Jeremie Bornais Vice President - Wahid Bawa Treasurer - Filip Knezevic Head of Events - Julia Sabelli Head of Societal Development - Justin Bornais Career Advisor - Abdulaziz Khan...
Hey, Everyone!
It's election time! If you don't know who we are, the Computer Science Society is all undergrad students with a CS major, led by a board of elected students. Our aim is to improve your university experience by hosting workshops, social events, and more.
The Computer Science Society is holding elections for executive/head positions for the 2021/2022 school year. Elections for o...